The Cloud Native Teams (CNT) are a team of cloud, DevOps, and container technology top specialists. We created the CNT to support our ambitious customers in their journey to cloud native technology – cost-efficient and flexible.

Consider the CNT an extension of your own IT team: they (co-) manage your daily IT activities and help you define a roadmap and realize it. With a fixed fee for day-to-day operations and innovation, and tailor-made service that suits your organization. We can take care of everything including project management, or we do a set of activities, depending on your wishes and constraints. You decide.

We onboard customers in the CNT who need our knowledge and skills to grow, but who do not (yet) need or have room for (multiple) FTEs or full-time consultants, making it an ideal situation for startups, scale ups and SMB(+) organizations

Above all, we always make sure our customers are self-reliant, making it possible to scale down the service and take back control.